17 inch Black SSR Type C rim finished! 2
Check it out!
Check it out!
Look what Fireful0’s Mod Workshop is coming up with!
A completely hand-done SSR Type C rim!
Yes, I am still alive!
I have not modded SLRR to much lately.
I have wanted to do a ton of other stuff, so modding has not been a huge priority.
I am working on a pretty cool SSR type C rim, which I will post pictures of in the days ahead.
I am actually hand modeling the rim, so it has been a pretty cool learning curve.
Well, see you around!
Well, the doors are in game along with the chassis.
More progress tomorrow! π
Hey everyone!
It’s been a while since I have posted anything related to SLRR.
Sorry about that.
Other things have made their way to the forefront.
I did, however, have some time to do some 3d work on the G35.
Nothing really picture worthy, so no pictures will be attached.
Basically, just separating panels and texturing.
Well, that’s about it!
Talk to you people later!
Check it out!
It will now be a better mod, thanks to Harrison15!
Here’s a picture:
Now, the permalinks are fixed! π
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to post on my site, that Harrison15 just provided me with a better quality G35!
This means progress will be restarted completely, BUT, it will make the G35 be more professional. π
Also, the site will hopefully have better permalinks.
What this means, is that instead of going to the download page, and seeing this in your address bar:
You will see:
A very small fix, but one I have been wanting to do for a long time.
Well, that’s it for me!
Have a great day everybody! π