
2 things 2

First off, Burn Rubber made me an awesome paintjob!

Second, the portfolio page is now up!
I will post some 3d models I have made there, little by little. πŸ˜‰

Portfolio page? 9

Hey everyone!
You might have noticed that there is a new page on the menu bar called “Portfolio.”
You are probably asking yourself, “What is that?”
Well, keep reading! πŸ™‚
That page is going to be a page to showcase some of the 3d models I make!
If it all works out, you will be able to rotate and scroll in and out of the 3d models!
Keep an eye on that page! πŸ˜‰
Hopefully, it will be up soon! πŸ™‚

Black scoop done!

I have posted this a few days ago on GOM, but I decided to drop it here, also. πŸ˜€